We have been alerted that bogus callers have been attempting to obtain bank details or try to sell products to patients, using the name of the patient's Health Centre.
Please be aware that our staff will NEVER contact you to ask you personal financial details nor will we try to sell anything to our patients.
We are here to provide health care to you.
If you are contacted at home and are suspicious of the nature of the call - please contact the Practice Manager to report this.
YOUR LOCAL "PHARMACY FIRST" SERVICEYou can receive a prescription free of charge directly from your local pharmacy for the following minor ailments:
You do not need to see your GP for these prescriptions. Community Pharmacists are trained to deal with minor aliments and can give advice and treatment if appropriate. If your symptoms persist, seek further advice from the Pharmacist or your GP.
To order a repeat prescription or a continuation of your sick line -
Prescription Ordering - Telephone: 028 25 823016
You can order your repeat prescription by calling in to the surgery and completing the request slip at Reception between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm each working day or by telephoning 028 25 823016 at any time of the day or night.
You can leave a message with details of your request, if a member of staff if unavailable to speak with you. This telephone line is available to leave a message 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
All repeat prescriptions require at least 24 hours prior notice. Those ordered before 11.00 am will be available for collection after 12 noon the following day. If ordered after 11.00 am, the prescription will be ready for collection after 4.30 pm the following day.
You can also order your REPEAT medications with us via our new On-Line Service:>